Land and hold short operations

Land and Hold Short Operations (or LAHSO[1], pronounced "La-So") is an aeronautical term for operations that involve aircraft landing and holding short of an intersecting runway, taxiway or some other designated point on a runway. LAHSO is an air traffic control procedure that requires pilot participation to balance the needs for increased airport capacity and system efficiency, consistent with safety. LAHSO Clearance use is voluntary and a pilot may deny a LAHSO clearance at their discretion. If a pilot denies a LAHSO clearance the Air Traffic Controller must revector the aircraft to ensure adequate separation from other aircraft landing or departing an intersecting runway or crossing down field.

The name for this category of procedures was previously SOIR (Simultaneous Operations on Intersecting Runways), but the guidelines for LAHSO incorporates all of the SOIR definitions and expands upon them now.



There are three main types of LAHSO.

Requirement for LAHSO: Pilots should only receive a LAHSO clearance when there is a minimum ceiling of 1,000 feet and 3 statute miles visibility. The intent of having "basic" VFR weather conditions is to allow pilots to maintain visual contact with other aircraft and ground vehicle operations.



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